On-Campus Book Fair, Feb. 3-10

When: Feb. 3 – 10, 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Tues., Feb. 7 and Wed., Feb. 8, 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. 

Where: TCS Library

How: Book fair shopping (spending money or filling out a wish list) will take place in lieu of library classes.

Families are welcome to come any time the fair is open between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. (5:00 p.m. on Feb. 7 and Feb. 8). 

Please be mindful of afternoon and EDSL carpool times and park on side streets instead of in the carpool lane in front of the school. All visitors and volunteers must check in with the front desk to get a visitor badge. 

Book Fair Volunteers

We need parent volunteers to staff the book fair! The Book Fair is the library’s most important fundraising event of the school year, and TCS parent volunteers play a critical role in its success. The week-long fair requires all hands on deck as we have about 45 slots to fill in order to staff the fair. Please consider donating just a couple hours of your time; it is a fun way to interact with other adults and students on campus. It’s a great way to meet other families and interact with kids on campus as you help them find books, fill out wish lists, and make purchases. 

Check “Happenings” for the volunteer registration link.  


Shoppers can pay with cash, checks made payable to The Children’s School, or credit cards. We will have wish lists for students to fill out when they visit the book fair, but they may also bring money. You can also shop virtually here.

Teacher Wish Lists

A great way to show your appreciation for your child’s teacher is to donate a book to the classroom library. These books will be set aside in the library’s story room for families to locate easily and there will be a bookplate inside each book so that the teachers know who donated it.