Bump, set, spike! Did you know that Kristine Cousins, our very own Pre-Primary and Pre-K physical education teacher, was awarded a volleyball scholarship to play for the women’s team at Florida State University? It’s no surprise then, that Kristine values physical movement to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and she carries that philosophy into her P.E. curriculum at TCS!
Coach Kristine loves working with the little ones to get the oxygen flowing to the brain; a helpful stimulant for academic success in the classroom. She works with the students on large motor skill development and believes that by making P.E. classes fun and engaging, students are more likely to exercise at home as well.
At TCS learning isn’t limited to the classroom, Kristine develops games that are related to the curriculum. Her students practice the alphabet and counting, and even problem solve in one of her all-time favorite obstacle course activities. When she’s not busy moving and shaking with the students in the gymnasium, she is coaching the Girls USA club volleyball team and the girls volleyball team at Decatur High School. Keep acing it, Kristine!