This complete kindergarten readiness kit guides you through everything you need to know about one of the first stops on your child’s academic path: starting kindergarten.
Starting kindergarten is an important milestone in every child’s life. The buzz around kindergarten readiness may have caregivers wondering if their preschooler is ready for kindergarten.
With countless factors to consider, including birthday cut-off dates, academic and social readiness, and more, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the process of your child starting elementary school.
If this is you, fret no more! This comprehensive kit provides an overview of the social, emotional, academic and physical expectations of children when joining a school community and research-based tips and advice to help prepare your preschooler for kindergarten.
What is kindergarten readiness all about?
Kindergarten builds a foundation for the joy of lifelong learning in children. Learn what a developmentally-appropriate kindergarten looks like.
Why does kindergarten readiness matter?
Kindergarten readiness is more than being ready to learn. Learn why your child's readiness is critical to their success in the classroom.
How do you measure your child's readiness?
A child’s environment plays a huge role in their kindergarten readiness. Learn how you can prepare your preschooler for kindergarten.