TCS School Blog
Musings Of An Ally From PoCC
Hello there. My name is Allen Broyles, and I will be live-blogging from the NAIS People of Color Conference here…
Why the People of Color Conference is Special to Me
Director of Admissions & Outplacement Nicole Victor with her two sons, Shane and Tristan, both TCS students The Monday after…
TCS Atlanta 2015-2016 School Year Survey Results
Last May, we sent out a survey to TCS families and asked them to let us know how we’re doing.…
TCS Atlanta Talks About Responsibility
TCS Counselor Natalie with her oldest daughter, Lauryn. For the past two months, we have been talking as a community…
TCS Atlanta Welcomed Grandparents & Special Friends Today
TCS Atlanta welcomed this morning grandparents and special friends for a special concert, a campus tour, classroom visits and more! Thank you…
My Day with Sesame Street Writers
Last spring, Sesame Workshop, the makers of Sesame Street, asked if I could come to their New York City offices.…
My Family’s Journey to TCS
Left to right: Max, Jessica, Chris and Zoe Horn My husband and I have two children - an eleven-year old…
This is an update for EDSL and Players families only: 10th Street is blocked off near the school toward Piedmont…
Fulfilling Our Dream: Campaign for The Children’s School
Campaign Co-chairs Audra Dial and Matt Ford with their son Duncan To celebrate the launch of Fulfilling Our Dream: Campaign…
Just the Facts, Ma’am
Tom in his Halloween costume Quick! What’s 14-8? Now 8x7? How about 96+7? And 96÷8? Did you “just know” those…