Fifth Grade Native Trees Project-Based Learning Unit

Students from Julia and Paul’s fifth-grade homeroom studied native trees as part of an ecosystems project-based learning unit.

For their final culminating project, they created short videos about the trees. You can view the videos at Piedmont Park by using a QR reader on your smart device. Find one of the nine signs next to a native tree and just click on the QR code.

If you can’t make it to Piedmont Park or to the TCS campus, click on the links below to view the students’ videos.


The Yellow Popular by Aalia

The Beech by Anastasiya

The Sweet Gum by Ann

The Flowering Dogwood by Emma

The River Birch by Tessa and Kayla

The Sourwood by Lily

The Abundant Red Maple by Sonia

The American Holly by Zoe

The Sycamore by Lyla

The Hickory by Cadelyn