The Power of Purposeful Play: A Key to Academic Success

By Elena Jaime
Director of Lower School at The Children’s School


At The Children’s School (TCS), play is much more than just a time for children to have fun. It’s an integral part of how we cultivate intellectual, social, emotional, physical, and cultural growth in our students. Play-based learning, especially what we call “purposeful play,” is woven into the very fabric of our mission and values. But what exactly is purposeful play, and why do we believe it is essential for academic success?

Why Purposeful Play Matters

Purposeful play is not random or purely child-directed; rather, it is a carefully crafted educational approach that primes the brain for learning in ways traditional methods cannot. My background in psychology led me to discover the profound impact that purposeful play has on child development. Research from psychologists, neuroscientists, and educators consistently shows that play, when directed with intention, creates optimal conditions for children to thrive.

At its core, purposeful play engages children in activities that are active, meaningful and iterative. Through this process, students can explore, tinker and test new ideas, which deepens their understanding of the world around them. As children work through challenges in a playful context, they develop cognitive flexibility, a skill that allows them to apply what they’ve learned to new and different situations.

Purposeful play is also social, harnessing the power of high-quality interactions between children and adults. These interactions are crucial in developing emotional intelligence, empathy and problem-solving skills. And, perhaps most importantly, purposeful play is joyful, sparking the release of dopamine, which strengthens neural connections and helps make learning “stick.”

The Role of Teachers in Purposeful Play

Unlike unstructured play, purposeful play is adult-initiated and guided. Teachers at TCS intentionally design these play experiences around specific learning objectives, continually assessing and supporting students as they engage in exploration. This adult guidance ensures that play is not only enjoyable but also deeply educational.

A perfect example of this guided approach can be found in our Mathodology program, recently introduced to our early learning and kindergarten students. During professional development this summer, our teachers learned how to connect purposeful play with the development of mathematical thinking. Students are now stretching their “math muscles” through activities like constructing and deconstructing numbers, sorting, categorizing and exploring geometry—all within the framework of purposeful play.

Purposeful Play and Long-Term Learning

Purposeful play is more than just a method for teaching specific subjects; it’s a foundation for lifelong learning. When students engage in play that is meaningful and enjoyable, their brains are more likely to form lasting connections with the material. This process trains the mind to think critically and creatively, preparing students for more complex challenges as they grow older.

As Albert Einstein once said, “The value of an education… is not the learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think about something that cannot be learned from textbooks.” Purposeful play aligns perfectly with this vision, allowing children to learn by doing, experimenting, and discovering in ways that traditional instruction cannot replicate.

How Purposeful Play Aligns with TCS’s Mission

At TCS, we embrace purposeful play because it supports our commitment to academic excellence and the development of the whole child. It aligns with our mission to nurture not only intellectual growth but also the social, emotional and cultural aspects of each student. Through play, we create a learning environment where children feel safe to take risks, explore new ideas, and engage deeply with the world around them.

As parents, you witnessed some of this during Back to School Night when you sat in your child’s classroom, participated in activities, and heard from teachers about how they support your child’s academic journey. Behind these activities is a thoughtful, research-backed approach that ensures your child is not just memorizing facts but developing the tools they need for lifelong success.

Purposeful play is at the heart of our educational philosophy at TCS, driving both the joy and the challenge of our learning experiences. It’s through purposeful play that we help students think critically, build lasting knowledge, and prepare for the challenges of tomorrow. As we continue to refine our academic programs, we remain deeply committed to making play not just a part of our students’ day but a central driver of their intellectual and personal growth.