Health Screenings & Policies
- All TCS faculty will receive extensive training in the areas of CPR/first aid and COVID-19 best practice for schools as set forth by the CDC, the Georgia Governor’s Office and DECAL.
- A daily health screening will be conducted for all TCS staff and faculty and TCS students. Everyone will be screened for signs of infection which may include temperature checks, filling out a health form, and visual inspection.
- If a TCS student has a temperature greater than 100.3, chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea, we will move them to an isolated location and direct parents/guardians to pick up their child(ren) as soon as possible. Students sent home can participate in class remotely until they are allowed back on campus.
- If a TCS faculty or staff member or a TCS student stayed at home because they were sick or is asked to leave because they exhibit COVID-19 symptoms, they can return when they are fever free for 72 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications, COVID-19 symptoms have improved, and it has been at least 10 days since any symptoms first appeared.
- If faculty, staff or students have close contact (within 6 feet of the sick individual for 15 minutes or more within the 48 hours prior to the sick faculty or staff member or student showing symptoms) with a person who has symptoms, we will move them to an isolated location and direct parents/guardians to pick up their student as soon as possible. Students sent home can participate in class remotely until they are allowed back on campus.
- TCS has a registered nurse who will help monitor for COVID-19 symptoms and help adhere to the health policies set forth.
- TCS faculty and staff and TCS students will take frequent breaks for hand washing, hand sanitizing, and general hand hygiene procedures.
- TCS staff and faculty will wear protective gloves, face covering, face shields, and other PPE (personal protective equipment) when necessary as determined by the CDC, Georgia Governor’s Office, and DECAL.
Masks and Face Coverings
- TCS faculty and staff and TCS students will adhere to CDC guidelines on face coverings. TCS staff and faculty and TCS students are required to wear cloth face coverings or surgical masks unless a request for accommodation is submitted to TCS. TCS staff and faculty will notify parents if students cannot or will not comply with wearing their mask. Students and staff members are encouraged to bring their own cloth face covering or surgical masks. If a faculty or staff member or student doesn’t have a mask, TCS will provide one when necessary. Students with documented medical or behavioral contraindication to face coverings should submit a request for accommodation. Face shields may be worn in addition to a cloth face covering or surgical mask; wearing a face shield without a cloth face covering or surgical mask is not permitted.
Physical Distancing
- We are limiting the number of students and faculty in each class group to better adhere to physical distancing guidelines.
- We will follow physical distancing guidelines from the CDC, Governor’s Office, and DECAL where feasible.
- We will minimize the use of common areas like hallways when practicable. If a common area must be used, only one class group at a time will use it and the area will be disinfected afterwards.
- We will have three staggered carpool times (see below) to allow for adequate distancing during drop off and pick up times.
Cleaning & Disinfecting
- TCS facilities will frequently disinfect, to the best of their abilities, high-touch surfaces like door, sink, and toilet areas, outdoor play areas, and common areas like hallways, bathrooms, and classrooms throughout the day and at the end of the day. TCS faculty will have cleaning and disinfecting supplies in their classroom for regular use throughout the day.
Student Equipment & Supplies
- Students will have their own classroom supplies assigned to them at the beginning of the school year to minimize the sharing of “high-touch” materials.
- All water fountains on campus are turned off, so each student should bring a personal water bottle labeled with their name each day. TCS faculty will help students refill their water bottles during the day, if needed.
- We will keep students’ belongings separated from each other to the best of our ability. Students will have to take home all belongings at the end of each day, except for Early Learning (3’s/4’s and 4’s/5’s) students who will leave their naptime items and change of clothing in their cubby until they take it home on Friday.