Bucket-Filling Resources for Children that Teach Kindness, Care, and Respect

Care and respect for others is one of the core values The Children’s School teaches in Building Character and Community (BCC), our character education program.

On Sat., July 27, we partnered with the Peachtree Branch Public Library to learn about how we can “fill each other’s buckets” and treat each other with kindness. TCS Counselor Natalie read stories to kids and then led them and their parents through hands-on activities to show them how their kind actions affect others and how they can continue to put these learnings/lessons into practice at home.

Here are some activities and books that you can read at home that encourage kindness and care and respect for others. Enjoy!


5 Activities to Learn About Kindness

Bucket-filling Activities for Preschoolers


How Full Is Your Bucket? by Tom Rath

Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud

Each Kindness by Jacqueline Woodson

Kindness Counts by Bryan Smith

Bucket Filling A to Z by Carol McCloud

Fill a Bucket by Carol McCloud